Wednesday, August 26, 2009


Hey! I almost forgot that my 2 year anniversary was August 22, 2009. I guess I am enjoying my locks so much I was just moving. I am still wanting color but afraid because I have seen so locks with color in bad shape. I have worked up my pace in doing my locks. I finished in 8 hours and that is good for me. I have been working out 3 days a week and my locks have been the bomb I have no complaints. It is growning like weeds and that ain't quite working with the menopense but I hanging.


Anonymous said...

Congrats on 2 years. Your locks are beautiful.

Khandi said...

Oh wow, I had my 2 year anniversay on 21st August. We're almost hair twins :o) Looking good
I also want to colour my locs but still decding. Like you i've seen locs in a bad state that have been coloured and i don't want to do that to mine. I almost did one, you can read about it on my blog

Take Care